Summer 2020 was unlike any other, but that doesn’t mean it was bad! Here at RBKF we really enjoyed ourselves- pulling out the most impressive skills, ideas and tricks in the kitchen to keep ourselves busy.
In this month of gratitude and thanks, we look at the word Merci as it relates to “thanks” in French, but has evolved to “mercy” here in America meaning compassion or forbearance. Merci comes from the Romans meaning ‘wages’, as in a favor. As human psychology would have it, whenever someone does a favor for us- we typically return the favor tenfold according to psychologist Robert Cialdini.
Freedom & Liberation never gets old, given it’s the crux of the American Dream. We have never had more opportunity to soar like our symbolic American Bald Eagle than we do now to shape what the American Dream means to us individually.
Years ago, our obsession with fitness was all about dieting and being slim. Now it’s about Health & Wellness and what that looks like to the individual.
The emphasis on men’s overall health has become more of a discussion and less of a commodity or something to feel shameful about, as time and events have unwrapped the benefits of exercise, diet, meditation, grooming, and professional help.
Have you ever seen someone wearing something so eccentric and you wonder how they pull it off? You certainly would never wear it, but somehow it fits them.
Grilling not only makes your food more flavorful, leaner, aromatic, and overall enjoyable- but it’s a great way to connect with the outdoors, get creative, gather your loved ones and teach them a lesson on how to throw down in the culinary realm.
What does living mean to you? Are you living simply to survive? Are you living for fulfillment beyond basic needs? Are you building a legacy? Living doesn’t live on some linear idea as we’re all complex and varying in our ways.