ately it feels like words or lack of them are holding just as much power as action and inaction nowadays. Here at RBKF, we took a special interest in words big and small- in hopes of growing and understanding how they can be used to advance and diminish our progress as a whole. We also took the liberty of discussing how words can be misunderstood, misspoken, misread or misheard by the carrier and receiver- and how it might be best to forgive in certain situations. After all, we’re all human.

What’s great about language though is its inclusivity of communication, whether that be a different language, sign language, body language, lack of words, jargon, math, science or computers. We all somehow possess the ability to understand all of it, if we apply ourselves by exploring with genuine curiosity and openness.

And that’s what we did here, in hopes of bringing you into new interest and understanding unlike your own.

We know we don’t have all the answers. Let us know what you think by adding to the conversation!

Aug 3, 2020

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